November 17, 2023

CampusHub Communication and Engagement


CampusHub is a comprehensive communication and engagement solution for K-12 schools. Our custom mobile app, digital signage, roadside marquee/electronic message center, and content management system work together to improve communication and engagement with students, family, and staff.

One of the key benefits of CampusHub is that it ensures all relevant information is in sync across all channels, including the website, signage, marquee, and mobile app. This eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information.

One of the key features of CampusHub is the ability to create and manage content for all of the various channels. This includes creating messages for the roadside marquee/electronic message center, updating the digital signage, and publishing news and events on the website and mobile app.

Another key feature of CampusHub is the ability to push out targeted messages to specific groups. For example, a principal may want to send a message to all parents of students in a specific grade, or a PTO may want to send a message to all parents of students involved in a specific extracurricular activity.

CampusHub's mobile app also allows for easy access to important information and resources. Parents and students can view calendars, schedules, directory information, and absence notifications. Teachers can access class rosters and gradebooks, as well as submit attendance records.

Overall, CampusHub is an essential tool for K-12 schools to improve communication and engagement with students, family, and staff. It streamlines the process of disseminating information and makes it easy for everyone to stay informed. If you're interested in seeing CampusHub in action, we'd be happy to schedule a demo for you.