November 17, 2023 A Hands on Education Tool is an innovative communication solution for K-12 schools, but did you know it can also be used as a practical education tool for middle school and high school students interested in journalism and graphic design? With the use of a content management system (CMS), students are able to gain valuable experience creating content for digital signage, school mobile apps, and more.

One of the key benefits of for students is the ability to report on events in written or video form. This allows them to practice their journalism skills and learn how to effectively communicate news and information to a wider audience. Additionally, the platform also provides opportunities for students to learn about graphic design and how to create visually appealing content for various mediums such as mobile apps and digital signage.

The use of a content management system also allows students to collaborate and work on projects together. This can be beneficial for students as it allows them to learn teamwork and communication skills that are essential in any field, especially in journalism and graphic design.

Another key benefit of is that it allows students to have a voice in their school community. They can use the platform to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions about school events, activities and policies. This can be empowering for students, as it allows them to engage with their school community in a meaningful way and make a positive impact.

Additionally, offers students an opportunity to develop their technical skills. The platform allows students to learn about HTML and Markdown which are fundamental in the development of digital content. This can be particularly beneficial for students interested in graphic design or web development.

Finally, also allows students to showcase their work to a wider audience, which can be beneficial for their future career prospects. It's a great way to build a portfolio of work that they can present to potential employers or college admissions officers.

In conclusion, is an excellent education tool for middle school and high school students interested in journalism and graphic design. It provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable experience creating content for digital signage, school mobile apps and more, learn about journalism and graphic design, collaborate with other students, have a voice in their school community, and develop their technical skills. Additionally, it's also a great way for them to showcase their work to a wider audience.

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