November 17, 2023

Examples of Mobile App and Digital Signage Use in High School


Digital signage is the wave of the future, and is at the forefront of this technology. In a high school setting, digital signage can be used in a variety of ways to increase student engagement with athletics and and various clubs.

One of the most effective ways to use digital signage is to create a calendar leading up to an event. This can be done by displaying a countdown clock on the digital sign, as well as listing important dates and times for practices, games, and meetings. This helps to create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the event, and encourages students to get involved.

Another way to use digital signage is to live stream events. This can be done by setting up a camera at the event, and then streaming the footage to the digital sign. This allows students who are unable to attend the event in person to still be able to experience it and feel connected to the school community.

After an event, digital signage can be used to share images and video clips to celebrate a victory. This can be done by displaying a slideshow of photos and videos on the digital sign, as well as sharing them on social media. This allows students to relive the excitement of the event, and also helps to build a sense of community and pride in the school.

Overall, digital signage from is a powerful tool that can be used in a high school setting to increase student engagement with athletics and clubs. From creating a sense of excitement and anticipation leading up to an event, to live streaming the event, and then sharing images and video clips to celebrate a victory, digital signage can help to bring students together and foster a sense of community.

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