November 17, 2023

How Digital Signage Can Improve School Safety and Security

School safety and security are a top priority for educators and parents alike. Digital signage is one tool that schools can use to enhance safety and security measures. Digital signage can provide timely and critical information to students, staff, and visitors and improve communication during emergencies. This article will explore how digital signage can improve school safety and security and discuss best practices for implementing digital signage in schools.

Why are School Safety and Security Important?

Ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors is of utmost importance for schools. In recent years, school shootings, bomb threats, and other violent incidents have become more frequent. School administrators must prevent such incidents and ensure that everyone on campus feels safe and secure.

Digital signage can be a valuable tool for improving school safety and security. With digital signage, administrators can quickly and easily communicate important safety and security information to students, staff, and visitors. In an emergency, digital signage can provide critical information to everyone on campus, helping keep them safe and informed.

How Digital Signage Can Improve School Safety and Security

Digital signage can be used in various ways to enhance school safety and security. Here are some of the ways digital signage can be used to improve school safety and security:


Digital signage can be used to guide visitors and students around campus. Wayfinding signage can help visitors navigate the campus and find their way to specific locations. This can be especially important in emergencies when visitors must quickly find the nearest exit or shelter-in-place location.

Student Identification

Digital signage can be used to display student identification information. By displaying student photos and names on digital signage, schools can ensure that everyone on campus knows who belongs and who doesn't. This can be especially important in preventing unauthorized individuals from entering the campus.

Crime Prevention

Digital signage can be used to deter crime on campus. By displaying security policies and procedures on digital signage, schools can clarify that security is a top priority. This can help deter potential criminals from attempting to enter the campus. Digital signage can also display security camera footage, making it clear that the campus is being monitored and that any criminal activity will be recorded.

Emergency Notifications and Alerts

In addition to providing ongoing safety and security messaging, digital signage can also be used to quickly alert staff and students in the event of an emergency. With a few clicks, administrators can send out emergency notifications and alerts that appear on all digital displays throughout the school.

For example, if there is a lockdown situation, administrators can send out a message instructing everyone to stay in their current location and lock all doors. Similarly, if there is a fire or other emergency, digital signage can provide instructions for evacuating the building in a safe and orderly manner.

By using digital signage for emergency notifications and alerts, schools can help ensure that everyone on campus is quickly informed about potential dangers and given clear instructions on staying safe.

Improved Communication During Crisis Situations

During crises, such as natural disasters, digital signage can play a critical role in keeping students, staff, and families informed about the status of the school and any necessary actions that need to be taken.

For example, if a school needs to close due to a hurricane or other severe weather events, digital signage can provide updates on when the school is expected to reopen and what steps are being taken to ensure that the campus is safe for students and staff.

Similarly, if there is a public health crisis, such as an outbreak of a contagious illness, digital signage can provide updates on school closures, quarantine procedures, and other important information that families need to know.

By using digital signage for crisis communication, schools can help reduce confusion and panic and ensure that everyone has access to accurate and timely information.

Visitor Management

Finally, digital signage can also be used to improve visitor management and enhance school security. By placing digital displays at key entry points, schools can display instructions for visitors on how to sign in, obtain a visitor badge, and navigate the campus.

Digital signage can also be used to display real-time updates on which visitors are currently on campus and where they are located. This can help administrators quickly identify potential security risks and take action to prevent unauthorized access to the school.

Additionally, digital signage can display emergency contact information for visitors and provide instructions for what to do in the event of an emergency situation.

By using digital signage for visitor management, schools can enhance their overall security and ensure that only authorized individuals are granted access to the campus.


Digital signage offers a wide range of benefits for schools, from improving communication and engagement to enhancing safety and security. By implementing best practices for planning, installation, and maintenance, schools can maximize the effectiveness of their digital signage displays and provide a valuable resource for students, staff, and families.

Whether used for displaying important announcements, promoting events and activities, or providing real-time emergency notifications, digital signage can transform how schools communicate with their communities. With the right strategy and tools, schools can ensure that their digital signage displays are a valuable asset for years to come.


CampusHub is a leading engagement and communication platform for schools, providing a mobile app, digital signage, and content management system for school administrators to quickly and easily share information with students, families, and staff.


With its intuitive interface and customizable features, CampusHub allows schools to streamline communication and improve engagement across their campus community. CampusHub's focus on safety and security through its emergency alert system and integration with existing safety protocols makes it a valuable tool for ensuring a safe and secure learning environment.