November 17, 2023

Tips For Using Digital Signage In Schools

In the classroom, experimenting with new educational technology approaches and enhancing instructional methodologies using digital signage is a sneaky-good way to improve instruction. If you think of educational technology tools, digital signage is not the first thing that comes to mind. However, if you use interactive digital signage on the screens in your classroom, you can improve how educators communicate information to students.

You've come to the right site if you're interested in learning how to employ digital signage on your classroom displays and why you should do so.

Offer Students A Low-Cost Way To Get Their Voices Heard

Students are the ones who create. Now more than ever, everyone has access to the technology necessary to capture, record, and disseminate their ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. Consider giving a few students the assignment of gathering footage on a trending issue from their friends and classmates to share with the class. It might be an update on the most recent sporting events, a report on the completion of a successful project, or a topic that is currently relevant in world events.

When you use CampusHub, you can ensure that the necessary software is installed to have the result shown on digital signs and screens around the school. A feeling of community is fostered among the students and their contemporaries. Additionally, it will inspire kids to do well, and the desire to exhibit is unparalleled despite the cost of doing so.

Make The School A Friendlier Place To Be

The use of digital signage is something to consider if you are planning to host an orientation day for prospective students and the parents of those students. Content-rich in media may convey a lot of information about your institution, from graduates' films to visuals that reinforce your core principles. On those days, having television displays broadcast such content throughout the campus would be a public relations dream come true. The first few days of a freshman's first year at a new school can be made more accessible with the help of digital signage. It can display maps, schedules, and other critical information, all of which have the potential to alleviate some of the tension.

Make Sure That Your Digital Sign Displays Are Easily Accessible

If it is set so high up towards the ceiling that no one will see it, even the world's most significant and brightest screen won't attract anyone's attention. Most people agree that displays should be mounted at eye level or above that. Another thing to watch out for is a glare from the windows or the overhead lighting. Your efforts will be for naught if consumers need help to read and engage with the stuff you provide (QR tags, smartphone snaps, and so on, for example).

Accessibility is of the utmost importance for content that may be interacted with. If you have interactive wayfinding or other touchscreen designs, you need to make sure that people who are shorter or who use wheelchairs can use the kiosk along with everyone else. This can be accomplished by placing displays lower down on the screen or including controls at the bottom.

Recognize Those Students Who Have Excelled Academically

A sound strategy to maintain pupils' interest is to give them public acknowledgment. Evidence suggests that it might enhance their attitude toward the learning process. The utilization of rich media to demonstrate what both teams and individuals have accomplished serves a more comprehensive objective.

You can put a grin on the face of the individual you wish to recognize by showing information in high-traffic locations (like the canteen and the halls), and you could kindle a similar fire under another student.

Guidelines For Assignments

In certain instances, educational software can be replaced by digital signage in the classroom. If you want to avoid having to answer the same questions repeatedly, provide the directions for an activity or assignment on your classroom display. Eliminating the need for printed documents allows you to not only save time but also reduce your impact on the environment. Display writing prompts mathematical problems, exercises in grammar, group assignments, and other activities.

An Opening For Participation And Involvement

The presence of social media profoundly impacts the lives of today's kids. They are accustomed to following hashtags across various media and consider them an integral part of their lives. Why not utilize a certain hashtag and present compilations of the finest that social media has to offer? This would be a great opportunity if the school is doing a competition or event, or if they are carefully following a certain news item. If you pull it off successfully, you will generate excitement among the students, particularly among those whose posts are featured.

Flyers and public address announcements can't compare to the benefits of digital signage. If you have the appropriate material shown on the appropriate displays, you can convey the appropriate message to the appropriate individuals whenever necessary.

Detailed Itineraries Should Be Displayed

Does the school have an assembly or a dismissal period earlier than usual? Signage that displays the school's daily schedule or the classroom agenda may be used to let pupils know what to anticipate each day. There is no way for us to ensure that children will cease asking what time lunch is, but from now on, all you need to do is point to the screen in your classroom.


The results have shown that digital signage is an excellent technique for interacting with critical audiences, which has become common practice on many school campuses. CampusHub provides a straightforward application that allows your institution to carry out all of the aforementioned tasks. The robust digital signage content management system known as CampusHub gives users the ability to deliver material to an unlimited number of screens. Effortlessly communicate your school announcements to the individuals who need to hear them at the time they need to know them while also keeping your messaging and content up to current across the whole school district.

Get in touch with our team of signage professionals if you want more information about implementing digital signage at your school.