November 17, 2023

Your Comprehensive Guide To School Marquee Signs

Schools should strive to captivate their audiences by utilizing the most cutting-edge indoor and outdoor digital signage panels tastefully positioned around campus. LED screens at schools are replacing paper announcements and static sign boards, generating a lot of buzz and discussion.

So, give some serious thought to how you can be adaptable with your signs to give pupils access to real-time information on events happening in the school and the world at large.

Incorporating school LED signage streamlines communication and makes information readily available to the public. After you make the switch to digital screens, you'll see how the hallways get crowded as people cluster around electronic signage for schools to have a look at the enticing information.

If your school is considering digital communication, the following is a quick primer on what marquee signs are all about.

Benefits of Marquee Signs for Educational Institutions

An LED marquee sign is an excellent purchase for a school for several reasons. Your marquee sign is the first thing potential students will see when they pull up to your institution.

By implementing these measures, you may show parents that you value their child's education by investing in the appearance of the school and its surroundings. Displaying your school's name, colors, mascot, and emblem may do wonders for your school's pride.

It's a beautiful design and a straightforward way of getting information to friends and families. You may use your marquee to announce everything from days off to deadlines to distant learning resources to upcoming school activities.

The more you talk to families, the more probable it is that parents will get the message and act on it. As a result, more community members will be involved in activities like fundraisers, sports, plays, SAT and ACT study sessions, and more.

The exponential growth of LED technology in recent years has made it much simpler for schools to show any relevant information to the school and community. In the beginning, there were just a few bulbs showing a few words; now, with the push of a button, we can use 281 trillion colors to present short clips and bespoke animations or films. High-resolution images from local companies like restaurants, stores, doctors' offices, etc., may be advertised to students using the school's newfound technological capabilities.

Adding advertising on your marquee sign is one way to generate more funding for your school. Schools have long served as advertising platforms for local companies, whether it be a flier, a sports banner, or a charity event. An LED marquee sign will allow local companies to showcase their products and services right at the entrance to your school.

Employing App-Based Digital Signage

Add a software program to your school's electronic signs system to constantly update the material on each screen.

More than merely a place to get educated, a school also serves other purposes. It is a breeding ground for the political and business elite of the future, some of whom may one day govern your country. This is why we at CampusHub stress providing your students with the latest global news, economic data, geographical developments, and more.

Users of mobile software programs have the ability to incorporate live news broadcasts from prominent news channels into the content that is presented on school LED panels. Weather forecasts and other general news may be shown on indoor digital signs in hallways, while economics students might view currency information, and sports fans could view game results.

In addition, students may be kept up-to-date, engaged, and involved through the use of social media dashboards.

Tips for Buying a Marquee Sign for Your School

Digital marquee signs may cost anything from $1,000 to $30,000. Customers have the option of selecting square, rectangular, or round products. However, if your school requires a digital signboard with a unique size and form, you may have one made to order for a reasonable fee. Choose higher quality, more colors, and larger sizes if you want to use the electronic marquee signs at your school for several years.

Choose a led screen vendor who stands by their digital billboard with some guarantee. In addition to the standard one-year guarantee, you may get a longer one if you're planning on spending a lot of money on your outdoor digital marquee display board. Make a well-thought-out decision on what to put on the school digital sign board before it goes up.

Images, catchy slogans, and interesting writing may all be used to grab people's interest. You may also test out several font combos to find the one that works best. Viewing distance would determine the optimal font size. The appearance of your display messages can also be greatly affected by the typeface you use. Choosing the proper height for your digital marquee signboard to be displayed outside of your school is essential.

Considerations such as the age range of the target audience, whether or not it will obstruct anyone's line of sight, how well it will appear from different vantage points, and so on will determine how high the sign should be placed. Put simply, digital marquee signs for schools are all the rage now.

They are a long-term investment for advertising and message transmission that is both technologically advanced and reasonably priced. The use of digital billboards is essential for any major school located on a high-traffic roadway.


These days, a digital marquee is standard at most schools. There are a number of other signage that might accomplish the job, but only the digital marquee gives you the option of displaying information in real-time in a format of your choosing. A digital marquee's adaptability is a major selling point in this industry.

Before purchasing a sign, do some research as to what you want your marquee sign to look like. Once that's out of the way, head on over to CampusHub, your one-stop shop for all things digital signage, and request a demo immediately!